“The preservation of our community’s future runs deep through our local businesses, environment, and education of the next generation. My focus is on bringing the 81st District’s voice to Richmond, creating an environment of collaboration and consensus that cuts through the noise of partisanship.”

“Our society’s children are the future leaders for whom I want to help provide every advantage possible.”
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“We need to take action now to protect property from flooding. We need to treat the environment as the commodity and great resource it is and give it respect.“
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“The ability to access quality healthcare for all families is a fundamental stepping stone to improving the 81st District’s wellbeing. As a Podiatrist, I stand with families to ensure protection for pre-existing conditions, provide comprehensive care, and require transparent billing.”
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“Advocacy for small businesses and the creation of new jobs is the path to success for restoring our faith in the land of opportunity for all.“
With unemployment doubling in the 81st District’s population following the economic turmoil from COVID-19, local, small businesses are in need of an honest advocate to help the community recover and rebuild rather than favoring the large corporations.
Jeffrey and Maurizio at Gino’s Pizzeria on General Booth Blvd promoting small business
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Jeffrey “Doc” Feld is dedicated to ensuring that recovery funds and resources are provided to the local community and people, where he strives to integrate cost-saving measures, infrastructure projects, and the creation of new jobs across all industries. In the world of business, there is a simple key to maximizing growth: identify your challenges and create opportunities.
Jeffrey aims to partner with local businesses to hear their personal challenges, their long-term obstacles, and their present concerns in the current economy. From there, he believes in creating opportunities from the available resources and potential partnerships within the 81st District. These include partnering with local banks and credit servicers to provide more capital resources to small businesses, increasing grants and loan funding from the Virginia state government, and developing support programs across the entire region.
As a firm supporter of livable wages to match an honest day’s work, Jeffrey will reinvest resources and efforts towards individual workers and small businesses rather than the needs of large corporations. The economy of the 81st District will grow in proportion to the daily life and expenses of the people; Jeffrey aims to set the stage and provide the resources to launch Virginians back into work with livable compensation.
Key Advocacy Points:
- Technical Training and School Programs
- “Green” Jobs Training and Development
- Small Business Resources
- State Grants and Funding Options
- Community Capital Partnerships